April’s Featured Database

April’s Featured Database

Before we make a decision to spend our hard-earned money to purchase something we need or want, we want to make sure we’re buying something worth having. Sometimes with so many mixed reviews, it’s hard to know who to trust. That’s where Consumer Reports comes in. They are experts who test products equally and provide honest, unbiased opinions. 

Now, just by having a library card, you get full access to the thousands of reviews Consumer Reports offers for free. Here’s how:

  1. Find it on our website by clicking on “Digital Resources.”

    Choose to browse by name or category. If you choose to browse by category, you’ll find Consumer Reports under “Reference.”
  2. Login with your library card number located on the back of your library card.
  3. Click “Consumer Reports.”
  4. Now you can begin using the Consumer Reports website. Search for a specific item, view the reviews by type, or read articles about a variety of subjects.


We are excited to offer this database to you! 

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